7th Smokin\' Possum BBQ

April 7, 2017 - April 8, 2017

Contest Details

7th Smokin\' Possum BBQ
IBCA Contest Number: 2017-202

Head Judge: Judy
Tray Pickup:
Cooks Meeting: at

Turn in times / Schedule
12:00 Chicken
1:30 Pork Spare Ribs
3:00 Brisket


Meats to be Cooked

Friday Ancillaries

Saturday Ancillaries

Contact and Registration

Contact: Jim


Entry Fee:

Contest Registration/Flyer

Competition Results

Head Judge: Judy
Number of Teams: 19

Grand Champion

Gene Pruett / One Slice at a Time

Reserve Grand Champion

Walker Keeney / Coyote Creek BBQ

Brisket: Jim Paddack / Texas Chow
Chicken: Gene Pruett / One Slice at a Time
Pork Spare Ribs: Gene Pruett / One Slice at a Time


PlaceHead CookTeamPoints
1Gene PruettOne Slice at a Time23.0
2Walker KeeneyCoyote Creek BBQ22.0
3Terry N JohnsonJ3 BBQ21.0
4Angie PruettGrillin' Granny20.0
5Justin WestHat Creek Q17.0
6Jim PaddackTexas Chow12.0
7Wayne CrowHootowl BBQ10.0
8Brendan LockerRock Bottom BBQ8.0
9Paul DeGolierOpen Flue BBQ8.0
10Bubba GarrettTwisted Pitsters8.0


PlaceHead CookTeamPoints
1Gene PruettOne Slice at a Time10.0
2Justin WestHat Creek Q9.0
3Walker KeeneyCoyote Creek BBQ8.0
4Terry JohnsonJ3 BBQ7.0
5Wayne CrowHootowl BBQ6.0
6Angie PruettGrillin' Granny5.0
7Joni SchugDouble J BBQ4.0
8rance hogueSmokin Mafia3.0
9Paul DeGolierOpen Flue BBQ2.0
10Bubba GarrettTwisted Pitsters1.0

Pork Spare Ribs

PlaceHead CookTeamPoints
1Gene PruettOne Slice at a Time10.0
2Walker KeeneyCoyote Creek BBQ9.0
3Angie PruettGrillin' Granny8.0
4Bubba GarrettTwisted Pitsters7.0
5Justin WestHat Creek Q6.0
6Terry JohnsonJ3 BBQ5.0
7Wayne CrowHootowl BBQ4.0
8Laurel McCrackenWildfire Cookers3.0
9Jim PaddackTexas Chow2.0
10Richard LongoriaCowtown Cookers1.0


PlaceHead CookTeamPoints
1Jim PaddackTexas Chow10.0
2Terry JohnsonJ3 BBQ9.0
3Brendan LockerRock Bottom BBQ8.0
4Angie PruettGrillin' Granny7.0
5Paul DeGolierOpen Flue BBQ6.0
6Walker KeeneyCoyote Creek BBQ5.0
7Zack LoiselleZacs Racks4.0
8Gene PruettOne Slice at a Time3.0
9Justin WestHat Creek Q2.0
10rance hogueSmokin Mafia1.0



PlaceHead CookTeamPoints
1Kevin Conradyunknown10.0
2Terry N JohnsonJ3 BBQ9.0
3Joe MarkhamHook-Ladder Smokers8.0
4Gene PruettOne Slice at a Time7.0
5Keitha Morrisunknown6.0
6Raymond Crowunknown5.0
7Mark Kimesunknown4.0
8Richard LongoriaCowtown Cookers3.0
9Richard RhodesAll Season Smokers2.0
10Laurel McCrackenWildfire Cookers1.0


PlaceHead CookTeamPoints
1Justin WestHat Creek Q10.0
2Laurel McCrackenWildfire Cookers9.0
3Richard RhodesAll Season Smokers8.0


PlaceHead CookTeamPoints
1Laurel McCrackenWildfire Cookers10.0
2Richard RhodesAll Season Smokers9.0
3Joni SchugDouble J BBQ8.0
4Raymond Crowunknown7.0
5Justin WestHat Creek Q6.0
6Chad Wickardunknown5.0
7Kevin Conradyunknown4.0
8Donna DeGolierunknown3.0