Citation of Merit
Tony Camarillo

Michael Gibson

Mark Mika

Stephnie Schuckenbrock
Clint Swindall
Founding Fathers

Terry Blount, Jeff Shivers, Waldo Strein
In 1988 nine (9) interested parties (Doug Beich(d), Terry Blount, Henry Cutaia (d), Jim Hudgins, Tom Kennedy, Obie Obermark, Charlie Rogers(d), Jeff Shivers, and Waldo Strein) met for the first time in Irving, Texas to discuss the possibilities of starting a new BBQ organization. We spent the first year writing a constitution, by-laws, and cook-off rules. The intent of the IBCA is to offer a set of uniform cook-off rules that are fair and “user friendly” for the cooks. In 1989 we opened up the membership in IBCA. We currently have over 1200 members.
West Volunteer Fire Department

The volunteer firemen were so excited and ready to start planning the following year right then on how to make it a bigger and better event.
The big pay out and 15 places paid out per category helped grow the event over the years. They were one of the first cook offs that gave away 15 places in each category and still do today.
One of the main things West is known for are their kolaches, well guess what we had at our cook’s meetings starting the following year, I can honestly say I think every head cook was at the meeting, but not to listen to me give the cooks spill but to have a kolache.
In 2014 the cook off took on a new meaning, to honor the rebuilding of the volunteer fire dept, the fallen and injured firemen from the fatal explosion in 2013 which killed 11 firemen 6 of which were part of the West volunteer fire dept. Cody was one of the fallen firemen. With heavy hearts the remaining firemen and new recruits came together to continue this event. Each year we take a moment to remember and letting them know we will never forget. The funds from this cook off have helped raise monies to purchase new fire trucks and equipment for the dept.
If you have never cooked this event you should come to the small city of West, let the firemen show you’re their hospitality and compete in one of the largest prize money events. It’s an honor for me to h ask Marty Marak who is one of the surviving firemen, and fellow cooker to please come forward to accept the 2018 Citation of Merit award for all of the West Volunteer Fire Department.
Josh Kovar

While waiting for the ambulance, the teammate quits breathing and his heart stops. Josh quickly gets into his bag, pulls an AED out, uses it and get the heart going again. This happens again once more before the ambulance arrives. When the ambulance arrives, Josh immediately gives the EMT crew a rundown of what happened and what he had done. After what seemed like an eternity, the ambulance crew informs the Deputies the teammate is being airlifted. After the ambulance leaves, Josh and Candace remain with the team to make sure everything is alright.
It is the opinion of other team members, without the quick thinking of Josh Kovar, the assistance of Michael Jordan and Henry Hernandez, their teammate would have probably died there at the cookoff.
Smokin’ On The Rio

It’s first year like many other 1st time events, it didn’t garner much attention, but over the years it has grown to be one of the title events of IBCA. This cookoff was one of the first, if not the first, IBCA sanctioned event in the Rio Grande Valley. Smokin on the Rio is a state championship cookoff that is held at the Rio Grande Valley Fairgrounds in Mercedes and has attracted cooks from all over the state and even a few from out of state. In 2016, it rivaled the San Antonio Rodeo cookoff with 248 teams.
With the increasing success of the cookoff, the group added a scholarship fund in 2014 to students pursuing vocational degrees. In 2015, they were able to award $160,000 in scholarships and premium awards. Since their inception in 2004, they have impacted the lives of over 15
00 students and awarded over $1.4 million.
In addition to helping the youth of the Rio Grande Valley, they have partnered with the Food Bank RGV, Inc. The Food Bank provides a refrigerated truck and all the leftover food from the competition is loaded up and distributed to the hungry. This year 4397 lbs. of meat provided 3664 meals.
Accepted by Chuck Sellman, Billie D Simpson, & Mark Connor.